Evénements et médias


    • 7 janvier 2025, Cibola Partners participe à la journée de lancement des prochains appels à projets du Fonds Innovation de la Commission Européeenne à l'invitation de la Direction générale de l’énergie et du climat (DGEC).







  • December 2-13, 2019, Josué Bulot and Alexandre Borde from Carbonium & Cibola Partners present at the COP-25 in Madrid

  • October 14, 2019, Alexandre Borde interviewed by the China Global Television Network concerning the future of sino-french cooperation in the field of clean tech and environment.

  • October 10, 2019, Alexandre Borde, CEO of Carbonium & Cibola Partners, speaker at the Workshop on Ethical Finance and Sustainable Developement at EDC Paris Business School.
  • July 22, 2019, Inauguration à l'UNESCO de l'exposition « Activation Artistique du Nouveau Village de Yi » en présence de Monsieur Frédéric Mitterrand.
  • June 25-27, 2019, Yang Zhang, Partner of Cibola Partners, attends in Casablanca the International Seminar on greening Africa's financial system co-hosted by Tsinghua University and Casablanca Finance City.

  • June 13, 2019, Alexandre Borde speaks at the 15th Annual Forum of the Tunisian Economists Association , about Energy Transition Financing, taking place in Hammamet, Tunisia.

  • April 5, 2019, Cibola Partners, en partenariat avec CBS, organise à l'Assemblée Nationale à Paris le Forum des Femmes Leaders pour la Coopération & le Développement.

  • March 4, 2019, Carbonium & Cibola Partners is assisting the Commonwealth of Dominica in the Green Climate Fund accreditation process of two national banks.
  • February 26-28, 2019, Le Ban present at the 22nd meeting of the GCF Board in Songdo, Republic of Korea.
  • February 20-21, 2019, Alexandre Borde, CEO of Carbonium & Cibola Partners at the Joint OECD-ECE Seminar on Green Accounting in Geneva.




  • November 3, 2016, Philippe Coste, Vice-président de Carbonium, intervient au colloque intitulé "L'Afrique est notre avenir, pour le pire ou pour le meilleur" au Sénat. Ouverture du colloque par M. Jean-Pierre Raffarin, ancien Premier Ministre et Président de la Commission des affaires étrangères de la défense et des forces armées du Sénat et M. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, Président de la République du Mali.
  • September 27-29, 2016, Charles Muyembe, Carbonium's representative in Kenya, speaks at the Forum for National Designated Entities (NDEs) of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • July 19-20, 2016, During the Climate MEDCOP, Carbonium participated in the "City Climate Finance Training" program in Tangier. Our experts Lofti Hamza and Le Ban spoke about the "solutions économiques et financières appliquées au Maghreb pour favoriser l'action locale de lutter contre le changement climatique".

  • June 8, 2016, Carbonium participated in the Green Bonds Conference entitled "Beyond transparency: unlocking the full potential of green bonds", co-organized by the Institute for Climate Economics, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, Mirova (Natixis Asset Management) and EDF. The event was organized at the Headquarters of the French Development Agency (AFD) in Paris.
  • May 5-6, 2016, Carbonium is invited by the China Recycling Resource Association from the Ministry of Environment to make a presentation of the climate and carbon market mechanisms, following the COP-21. The three-days event took place in Shenzhen.

  • March 10, 2016, Carbonium is invited by Casablanca Finance City Authority to present the opportunities in the field of climate finance for Morocco, in view of the COP-22 which will take place in Marrakech in November 2016.
  • February 19, 2016, Carbonium advises the West-African Development Bank (BOAD) on climate finance. The assignment, financed by the European Investment Bank, includes the accreditation of BOAD to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as well as GCF project formulation.





  • November 2012, Henri Frachon, engineer at Carbonium, is cited in the paper The Macedonian power company ELEM is pioneering, with the development of a hybrid concentrated solar power in Bitola"", Energy and Ecology n°135, page 6.

  • October 23, 2012, Philippe Coste joins Carbonium as Deputy Managing Director / Philippe Coste rejoint Carbonium en qualité de Directeur Général Délégué.Press Release in English / Communiqué de Presse en français.

  • October 4, 2012, Carbonium presents, together with the engineering company Artelia and the Macedonian state-owned power company ELEM the results of a study on Solar repowering of the coal-fired thermal power plant of Bitola , at the Energetics 2012 International Symposium in Ohrid, Macedonia

  • September 10 & 11, 2012, Carbonium moderates the UNFCCC / UNDP seminar on Programmes of Activities (PoA) in Dakar, Sénégal.
  • July 30 & 31, 2012, Carbonium moderates the UNFCCC / UNDP seminar on Programmes of Activities (PoA) in Luanda, Angola.
  • April 26, 2012, Carbonium, contributor of the International Workshop on Bamboo Green Growth and Carbon Finance in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  • March 30, 2012, Radio Rwanda (Journal de 20 heures, in French).

  • March 29, 2012, Carbonium presented the calculation of the Grid Emissions Factor (GEF) of Rwanda during a seminar organized for the purpose by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) in Kigali.
  • February 1st, 2012, Philippe Coste, Special Advisor of Carbonium, speaks at the second EEP Mekong Regional Forum: "Looking towards 2020: CDM Opportunities in the Mekong Region".




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