Your needs

Zero Carbon Strategy

You want to commit to meeting the goals set by the Paris Agreement. The challenge is great but it is possible. We help you set an ambitious course, to show the way, to your suppliers, your employees and your customers. A zero carbon strategy is the solution. Your carbon footprint, the first step in this strategy, will help you develop a strategy to reduce your emissions, save energy, and innovate by implementing solutions for tomorrow's challenges. As a last resort, the incompressible emissions can be compensated by helping other actors, suppliers, partners, committed actors, to sequester carbon.

Climate Change Resilience

You are an investor or CFO who needs to understand transitional climate risk and the risks that climate change poses to specific asset classes. While the impact of a natural climate-related disaster on infrastructure is difficult enough to understand, the rapid evolution of our economy and policies towards a disruptive transition and a zero-carbon goal is even more complex to measure. In order to anticipate, forecast, adapt and increase resilience to the effects of climate transition, financial actors need to build a forward-looking vision of their clients' and counterparties' ability to cope with the different transition scenarios.

Climate Finance

You are at the forefront of the paradigm shift and need to finance an energy efficiency or renewable energy project, a cleantech research program, or measures to adapt to climate risks. Whether it is through adapted lines of credit offered by banks, guarantee programs, specialized funds, carbon financing or innovative programs for the residential sector, a very high level of expertise is required to find the solution best suited to your needs.

North-South-South cooperation with China

You are looking for Chinese partners to develop your market, in France, in China or in other countries. Optimizing your partnership with Chinese customers, suppliers and investors requires a perfect understanding of the culture, strategy and objectives of your partner.

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